Teaching services
Teaching Total Parenteral Nutrition course at the college of pharmacy. It was involving clinical assessment of the patient, calculation of TPN, preparation of TPN, Administration of TPN, and follow-up of the patient.
Giving lectures to pharmacy staff, and physician including intern, resident, and consultant.
Participating in clinical pharmacy journal club meeting,
supervision of pharmacy student internship program; including teaching basic of clinical pharmacy and pharmacy administration, education in TPN/ICU clinical rotation.
Training Services
Train pharmacy staff in TPN and clinical pharmacy, supervision of new employee development program in training the new employee in the pharmacy.
The contribution of establishing the clinical pharmacy residency program in Saudi Arabia,
Supervision of the clinical pharmacy residency program in Hospital, and be a preceptor in Total Parenteral Nutrition, Intensive Care Unit, Surgery, and Pharmacy Administration sites.
Supervision of clinical pharmacy Master Student in Drug Information Center, coordinating of Pharmacy Practice residency program in various locations and perception of residents in nutrition support specialty and critical care unit units.
Research Consultations
Revising researches protocols submitted to the pharmacy for drug researchers,
follow-up research in pharmacy,
sharing of setup methodology in pharmacy researches,
doing researches in the pharmacy department, and
supervision all researchers in pharmacy department and clinical trials conducted in hospital related to drugs, and
presenting some researches in Saudi Pharmaceutical Conferences.
Clinical Pharmacy Services
Providing Pharmaceutical Care to all patients require Total Parenteral Nutrition in Riyadh Central Hospital, responsibilities including daily rounds, doing the clinical assessment to patient, calculation and monitoring of TPN, and follow-up of the patient until stopping of TPN.
Providing pharmaceutical care to patients of surgical team providing drug information to patients and team, doing pharmacokinetics studies, and infectious diseases consultation covering ID Consultants.
Sharing in drug evaluation with drug information for the new drug that will add to hospital formulary.
Providing pharmaceutical care to critical care patient, and patient need TPN at different locations
Pharmacy Administration Services
Providing Pharmaceutical Care in the hospital through pharmacy administration, explaining this concept to all pharmacy employee and hospital administration.
Heading of pharmacy board, membership of Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, Antibiotics Committee, and CPR Committee.
Preparing pharmacy drug budget put annual plans of the pharmacy department and prepares pharmacy drug budget.
New Program consultation program some administration program e.i documentation of drug information questions, controlled drugs patient profiling system, and Renal Transplantation profiling system .
Solving pharmacy administration problems, updating pharmacy management system for safety and efficacy of medications and writing pharmacy annual reports to higher administration